Why it's just the movement of my own eyes! And here I've been searching high and low for it all these years! anonymous

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the Impossibility of Ordinary

The sensation of “ordinary” hides the deepest, highest, brightest, darkest, wildest fact of existence: the miracle--the unreasonable fact--of “INFINITE BEING”. 

You need (I can tell you because I am you) nothing more than a space and time free of distractions to the quiet contemplation of the sensation of “ordinary”.

In order to not be lost in mental chatter you must choose this uncluttered state.

But you seem incapable of choosing an undistracted opportunity for contemplation of the easily overlooked baseline state, the raw sensation of ordinary, behind which lies the hidden-in-plain-sight mystery of infinite life. 

To do this, you would have to choose to walk into boredom;  choose unstimulated; choose emptiness;  choose quiet. God knows, nothing is harder than that.

The tragicomedy of this is that by refusing to find out that you already are everything, you instead have to have...some thing.

Lousy trade: everything for some thing.


Well, knowing this may change, a little bit, what you are willing to consider.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mountain Reality

A mountain is serene and beautiful from afar and below. From a distance, it appears strong, uncontested, benevolent, and at ease from everywhere it can be seen. The actual condition of the high side of a mountain however, is unending exposure to wild, cold, strong forces that attack and wipe away all that is unessential the higher it reaches.

A mountain can reach no higher than the breadth of its' base allows.

The building of a mountain is always here, and again here, and again, right here, and nowhere else. It is, like the proverbial journey-of-a-thousand-miles, built through the re-occurring choice, now, and again now, and, again now, to work with present time and place.

Because mountains arise out of the certainty that no place and no time is better than right here, right now, they are able to lend a powerful quality of "place",  of here-ness, of "home", to everywhere from which they can be viewed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why it's just the movement of my own eyes!
And here I've been searching high and low for it
all these years!

anonymous Japanese author